Shell Red Antifreeze Concentrate Longlife OAT Coolant 4 Litre 4L

Shell Coolant Longlife Concentrate is an engine coolant concentrate (antifreeze) based on monoethylene glycol and organic additive technology. This product contains no nitrites, amines, phosphates, borates, silicates and no other mineral additives. Shell Coolant Longlife Concentrate is suitable for both petrol and diesel engines. In order to provide a satisfactory level of corrosion protection it is recommended to use at least 33% (1:2) volume of Shell Coolant Longlife Concentrate in the coolant solution. In line with most car manufacturers it is recommended to use a 50% (1:1) volume solution for optimum performance. For cold climates use 67% (2:1) volume, concentrations above 67% volume are not recommended and give no advantage.

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